Dos Socios
Dos Socios
Dos Socios
Dos Socios

Dos Socios

Mighty Oak Roasters
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Don Concepcion Villatoro Matias purchased his farm in 1990, and since then it's been used for planting and harvesting coffee. Over time, Concepcion bought other small parcels, planting them with Bourbon and Caturra plants beneath the Gravilea and Chalum shade trees. These he separated into many small parcels. The name 'Los Dos Socios', or the two associates, refers to his relationship with God as the associate supporting his farm.

Floral and sweet, with intense chocolate notes and syrupy body!

Country Guatemala
Region Cobán, Huehuetenango


Finca Los Dos Socios
Process Washed
Elevation(mASL) 1700
Varietals Bourbon, San Ramon, Maragogype, Typica, Catimor
Roasted with Mixed Hardwoods
Roast Level Medium
Tasting Notes Chocolate, Cherry, Vanilla

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